Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chapter 1: Overcoming Predisone


Yes, I'm a very cute girl. I love to dress up anytime my Kindergarten calendar allows it.
I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Vicky. I am a 33 year old, first year Kindergarten teacher. It has taken me a long time to find a teaching position, but I've finally found my place in this world. Due to my wonderful job and fantastic insurance I am now on the path of overcoming my worst quality, being overweight. I've been overweight most of my entire life. Now with insurance I can finally be 'forced' to lose weight.
Yes I used the word forced. I've been there done that with every diet. I either do not stick to them or lose weight and give up soon. As we all know after you lose the weight if you don't keep working at it you gain it back plus more. I have no will power when it comes to food. I love it, crave it, enjoy it, and I want what I want, no substitutions. This of course is a problem. With my weight loss surgery I know there will be limitations, but those limitations are forced. After surgery if I eat to much I will throw it up. I will have to learn how much my body can take in. I will have to learn what my body can handle and what it cannot. For a girl with no self control this is exactly what I need.
I have seen my doctors and everything is set up for June 12th, 2014. My surgeon has asked one thing of me so far, he has asked me to get off of the Prednisone. I take Prednisone to help me with my asthma. I've had asthma since 2004 and have needed Prednisone to control it since close to the beginning. I have been taking 10mg for about 2 years, that's the lowest I've ever been on it. A week ago I lowered my dose to 5mg. Doctors suggest that you ween yourself off of medicines like Prednisone. It is not a good idea just to stop taking this medicine,  you can go through withdrawals just like taking any other drug. The withdrawals feel like you are going through the flu with terrible body aches and sometimes fevers.
Being on 5mg hasn't been fantastic, but it hasn't been terrible either. My breathing has become labored. I have to walk slowly and make sure not to excerpt myself or I will going into a breathing frenzy. My pulmonologist told me to take 4 breathing treatments a day and stay on my medicine. He says that the heavier breathing is part of coming off the prednisone. Hopefully it doesn't last forever.
I am hoping with my weight loss my asthma will also clear up or completely go away. Less than a month to go before a new adventure starts.
I will be keeping this blog to let you know how the weight loss procedure goes for me. I will also take pictures from time to time to show my progress.
Tomorrow is another day!